I am an Advanced Practitioner Children's Occupational Therapist specialising in the sensory aspects of autism. I work for the National Health Service (NHS) and independently. I am the Clinical Lead for Autism in my area, acting as a resource for Health, Social Services and Education Professionals as well as giving direct therapy. I assess children who are experiencing a range of difficulties with sensory processing affecting behaviour and coordination. Using a sensory integration approach I give advice and treatment to help promote wellbeing. I see children and young people at home or in schools and nurseries, working actively with families to understand their needs and give the best possible support to their child. I have acted as an expert witness in tribunals and am happy to write detailed reports toward statutory assessments. I have been a regular contributor to Earlybird and Earlybird Plus courses. I have taught to university level and have recently delivered a series of trainings on the sensory world of autism. I have advised on autism friendly design in new builds and have recently completed a project on designing outdoor play spaces for autistic children. The service provides: independent expert reports; make home visits; visit a client's nursery school or college; and attend tribunals/educational appeal committees. Another disability catered for by the service is attachment issues.