Ofsted is consulting on a new approach to inspecting education providers and the introduction of report cards.
Proposals for a new inspection model include:
Introducing the Ofsted report card, giving parents detailed information about standards across more areas of practice in their child's school, early years, or further education provider.
Replacing the 'single word judgement' with a new 5-point grading scale for each evaluation area, including a new top 'exemplary' grade to help raise standards.
Returning to schools with identified weaknesses, to check timely action is being taken to raise standards.
Increasing focus on support for disadvantaged and vulnerable children and learners , including those with SEND.
More emphasis on providers' circumstances and local context.
New toolkits to tailor inspections to the phase and type of provider.
Ofsted has today launched a major consultation, seeking the views of parents, carers, professionals and learners, on a new approach to inspecting and reporting on education providers, from the autumn.
The consultation sets out a series of proposals that aim to serve the interests of the parents and children Ofsted works for, while strengthening the trust and cooperation of professionals working in the services it inspects and regulates.
In the past 12 months Ofsted has already made some significant changes to support education providers' wellbeing, but further reforms were promised in the response to last year's Big Listen. Today's proposals apply to inspections of early years settings, state-funded schools, non-association independent schools, FE and skills providers, and initial teacher education (ITE) providers.
Source: Gov.uk