The online safety bill marks a milestone in the government’s fight to protect young people online against harmful content and activity such as racist hate crimes, terrorist material, and financial fraud on social media and dating apps. The government hopes that this bill will bring with it a new era of accountability on tech and social media firms to be more vigilant when it comes to their user-generated content.
Unfortunately, the benefits of technology and the internet have long been overshadowed by the negative effects that come with it.
Although consumption of online content is at an all-time high, "over three-quarters of UK adults are concerned about going online, and fewer parents feel the benefits outweigh the risks of their children being online – falling from 65 percent in 2015 to 55 percent in 2019." The new bill is an attempt to rectify this issue and ensure a safer online world for all users.
The bill will tackle the following issues:
The goal of the bill is to protect the threat content online poses to young people and the most vulnerable in our society.
It is hoped that this new bill will bring in a new and welcomed era whereby content that would not be accessible offline, will also not be permitted online, creating a safe space for all users.
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