Trinity School’s Christian ethos and family atmosphere are complemented by a commitment to excellence in both academic and personal development. With recent inspections by both ISI and Ofsted, the school has been rated 'Outstanding', and we successfully demonstrated a determination to deliver the best education possible for the pupils in our care.
Trinity pupils are passionate about learning and curious about the world; they have the courage and confidence to embrace a vareity of activities, seek out challenges and to build resilience through their experiences. Academic aspiration is matched by a commitment to excellence in extracurricular life.
Trinitonians are encouraged to develop a personal vision and integrity, to show leadership and responsibility, and to value service to the community. Their reflective approach is built upon the foundation of Trinity’s Christian values, readying them for life in our modern, globalised world.
Situated in Teignmouth, a seaside town on the South Coast of England, the school has many distinctive features which make it popular with parents and pupils alike. In a favourable climate and a beautiful setting overlooking the Teign Estuary and Lyme Bay, boarders and day pupils benefit from receiving a well-rounded education in safe and inspiriational surroundings.
We have a proven track record of sending pupils to Russell Group universities including Oxbridge, Imperial, University of London and LSE. We have gained 6 Good School Guide Awards for performance in A-levels, and GCSE and Prep pupils’ performance considerably exceeds expectations at KS1 and KS2. ISI rated all aspects of our early years provision as Outstanding in our most recent integrated inspection.
While many of our Sixth Form pupils move on to university, the school is proud of the wide and varied range of destinations of our leavers. One size does not fit all, and we ensure that pupils are given the right advice to take their next step. Enabling pupils to get into their university of choice, in the UK and abroad, is one route, but just as important is supporting pupils into apprenticeships, the forces, the workplace or following their sporting dreams.
Our specialist Learning Success Department supports those with educational needs such as dyslexia. About 20% of pupils have some form of additional need, and about 5-10% need tuition/support, usually in the form of additional lessons.
The quality of the school’s pastoral care is an established and considerable strength. Trinity was rated 'Excellent' in this area in our most recent ISI integrated inspection. We believe that, for care to be effective, it is essential that the school and families work closely together – this relationship must be dynamic, honest and built on mutual trust and understanding. This approach, and the fact that Trinity provides education for girls and boys of all ages, helps to generate the school’s warm, ‘family’ atmosphere.
Extensive sporting, cultural, charitable and leadership opportunities are available at all ages. We have numerous pupils who have performed and won medals, or have received recognition at national and regional level over the past five years. More importantly, we foster a ‘can-do’ mindset that means all pupils find themselves enthusiastically involved in a wide range of activities from a young age. The school aims to build confidence by developing personal qualities that help to form trusting and stable relationships and encourage sound moral judgements to be made.