Why a Christian school?
We want children to be educated in God’s ways about his world. A Christian school can give a consistent message of how we understand the world and what our values should be. It can encourage and support parents in the task of raising their children.
The bible teaches us:“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
What is Christian education?
A Christian school is not just about Christian teachers, nor do we have RE lessons all day! A Christian school is an opportunity to teach children from a curriculum designed around a biblical understanding of who we are and whose world we live in.
We teach our pupils that Jesus lived in history, that he died and rose again to save his people from the punishment their sins deserve. We teach that the natural world reveals the beauty and order of God our creator. As we learn about God’s world we have a sense of both wonder and gratitude. God gave us our minds and we encourage our pupils to think for themselves and not accept uncritically everything they hear or read.