Torwood House School is not just a happy, safe and supportive community; it is a living organism that is a hive of activity and sings in satisfaction. It is a place where children are encouraged to embrace new situations with confidence and flexibility to become independent, free thinkers; individuals who make a difference.
We are delighted to be an award winning independent school in Bristol recognised by the ISI (Independent Schools Inspectorate) as providing exceptional pastoral care resulting in the excellent personal development of our pupils.
Our staff team continually strives to improve the quality of education provision in all that we do. Torwood House School is recognised as having the balance required to deliver the right learning in individual, group and class settings; whilst appropriately modifying lessons to ensure consolidated learning by all children. This, in harmony with quality teaching, is how you can be sure that children are able to make the progress they need. There is special emphasis on speaking and listening skills — a secure grounding for the key English skills. Torwood pupils learn French and Spanish in turn contributing to a wider world view, and appreciation of cultures other than English.
Our staff have excellent relationships with pupils and this is seen to encourage development in independence, thinking skills, and individual children's interaction with the world around them.
There has been, and continues to be excellent work to improve pupils' learning with useful strategies introduced in lessons that help identify and address any gaps in pupils skills particularly in writing.
We regularly upgrade our specialist areas for Art and Design, Food Technology, and Computing; and have enriched both our outdoor activity surfaces and covered areas.
Our parent testimonials from in and around Bristol are unanimous in their praise of the Torwood Independent Preparatory School, commenting on how well they are involved in their children’s education.
Read more throughout your visit to our website, or call to arrange a visit of the school here in Redland, Bristol via our contact page. We will be delighted to hear from you.