The Firs is an independent primary school for boys and girls aged 2-11. We are characterised by a happy and stable family atmosphere. Whilst having a strong Christian ethos The Firs is supportive of children from all faiths and none. Among the school’s other acknowledged strengths are:
- Excellent quality of teaching with specialist teachers for religious education, English as an additional language, sport, pottery, music and drama.
- High standards of attainment for children in all subjects.
- Motivated pupils who are considerate, polite and caring.
- Strong and mutually supportive relationships with parents.
- Effective provision for children’s spiritual, social, moral and cultural development.
- An integrated approach to supporting children with dyslexia and other educational needs.
- Provision of early morning, after school care and holiday clubs.
- Fantastic sporting results, both inter-school and through the Independent Schools Association, regional and national competitions.
- Opportunities for all children to participate in a wide range of extra curricular activities.
- Excellent facilities for Art, Music, Drama, ICT, Sport, and play.
Finally we aim to be a caring community in which all children are appreciated and helped to see that everyone has a special value and that they can gain great fulfilment by contributing to the well being of others.