Elstead Tenderlinks follows the Curiosity Approach and is currently undergoing an accreditation. The Curiosity Approach is a wonderful ethos that focuses on curiosity, awe and wonder in early childhood. We aim to provide a home from home environment using natural and authentic materials to spark imagination, independence and first hand experiences. Children are encouraged to direct their own learning through their current interests. Practitioners use their child development knowledge and skills to understand the individual child so they can provide learning invitations which will entice the child to come and explore while actively learning in the moment.
Our vision is to grow happy, independent and confident children. One of the advantages of Tenderinks Elstead is being a smaller setting, we get to know each individual child really well so their care and learning is personal to them and they are supported to ensure they are able to flourish and grow and to be ready for their future after Nursery.
Our mission as skilful practitioners is to enable all of our children to be confident and curious learners, be resilient and take on challenges, communicate effectively, to respect themselves and others around them and to grow and learn at their own pace and in their own way.
Our nursery is situated in the heart of a beautiful village, as well as a purpose built garden offering free flow for our older children it is an extension of the inside environment.