At Taunton School we aim to challenge, nurture and inspire young people to succeed in a global community.
The wellbeing of our students is at the heart of everything we do and all of our decisions must be of direct benefit to them. Our main focus is ensuring that we prepare young people for their lives beyond school and in a world that changes rapidly. Throughout their lives, our children will work closely with people from across the globe and must adapt to a world of ever-changing technology.
As a School, we are innovative, forward thinking, global in outlook and down-to-earth in approach. We recognise that a balanced education is vital in developing the whole person.
At Taunton School inspirational teaching can be seen and heard everywhere – from battle re-enactments in History, rockets launching in Design and Technology, to philosophical arguments and debates heard over lunch, and the sound of music rehearsals ringing from the Theatre. We instil a love for learning which stays with an individual throughout their life.