Located in the south west of the city of Edinburgh, Spring Oscars @ Buckstone operates from two different sites to accommodate the number of families requiring out of school care in the local area. We operate both breakfast and after school care provision from the dining hall within Buckstone Primary School where we can facilitate up to 40 children during each session.
The breakfast club is open from 0730hrs each morning during term time, where children can enjoy a healthy & nutritious breakfast in a safe, welcoming and sociable environment. Children can also access our wide range of toys and resources to enjoy some play time with their friends before school. Our friendly and professional staff team ensure all children arrive into the care of their class teacher safely and on time each morning. Our after school club is open until 1745hrs each day during term time, with our staff team collecting children from school at the end of their day. Upon arrival at the club, children receive a healthy & nutritious breakfast before participating in a wide range of activities which have been planned in advance by our staff team in collaboration with the children.
Buckstone Primary School has a fantastic outdoor play space with an adventure playground and lots of space for the children to play safely and with freedom, using their imagination and creativity. Our satellite club is based from St.Fillanâs church, where we provide after school care up to 1800hrs each day during term time. Our staff team collect children from Buckstone Primary School before making the 20 minute walk to St.Fillanâs Church. The walk is undertaken using a safe route through the Buckstone residential area, and is a great time for staff and children to engage with one another. Upon arrival at the club, children receive their snack before the activities commence. Parents are welcome to collect their child from after school club at any point during the afternoon, at which time they will be welcomed by our staff team who will be on hand to offer feedback and answer any queries.