Rainbow Nursery is a slice of the country within the city, Based in Kentish Town, on the border between Camden and Islington. We are a small children's nursery offering care and education to children 2 to 5 year olds. The nursery is housed in a quaint spacious and bright church hall with a picturesque garden. With one larger garden which provides many hidden gems such as our enclosed mud kitchen, firepit area wooden house at the top of the climbing frame the children experience a vast amount of physical activities and interaction with natural elements. We additionally have a smaller garden with our very own pond and growing patches perfect for being up close and personal to the cycle of growth.
Indoors the setting provides a vast amount of activities which exposes children to all areas of the development matter whilst encouraging children to be continuously curious, hands on and investigate continuously.
Come along to our home from home environment and see why our small minds are oh so big.