The newly-opened Cobham nursery (summer 2020) has been fully refurbished to a very high quality specification. The building is fully air-conditioned throughout and has cctv in all rooms. There is a garden area and a fantastic range of toys and equipment for the children to play with and learn from.
The staff team are carefully selected, trained and inducted so that they can deliver the high standards of care and education that Perfect Start expect.
In order to maximise each learning opportunity for the children, the nursery use 'in the moment' planning, which enables the staff team to develop each individual 'teaching moment' that occurs during the day, without the burden of additional paperwork to complete. This results in a tailored learning programme for each child that is adaptable, full child-centred and leads to maximum individual development for the children.
The Company Directors have worked with over 100 day nurseries previously, including as Practitioners in the nursery rooms. This invaluable experience has been ploughed into Perfect Start to ensure that each of the nurseries have all the tools that they need to embrace the company ethos of the Children being at the heart of every decision that is made.
Every child has their own bespoke settling-in programme and individual care plan written for them before they undertake their first visit to the nursery. Parents are then able to watch their child settle in on the CCTV cameras in the parent room.