Park House School is an Independent Special School for autistic children aged 4-11 years (Reception â Year 8).
It is run by BeyondAutism Schools, a service arm of the charity BeyondAutism and is located in Wandsworth, London.
Our aim is for this website to be an informative and important first point of contact for the school. Please use the tabs in the menus to obtain a comprehensive overview of the school.
At Park House School we empower our pupils to lead lives full of choice and opportunity. We have taken the time to understand what this truly means for the children and families that make up our school community and we use this knowledge to deliver a functional and creative curriculum that promotes independence, total communication, love of learning and inspiring relationships.
We believe in open door classrooms and work in close partnership with parents/carers and the wider community to ensure the success of our children. We welcome visits and collaborative working to ensure the best possible impact and to deliver meaningful outcomes.
All staff at Park House School are committed to the development of pupil safety and well-being and this is at the heart of all work that we do.