Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery, Stratford-upon-Avon, offers an experienced childcare service from a modern and open plan interior, equipped with a wide range of learning and play equipment to support key early years education and development.
The nursery also has its own outdoor play area, a sleep room for babies and a sensory room. The wonderful staff have recognised qualifications and are encouraged to develop their skills during their employment, while being required to keep up with regulation issues.
Monkey Puzzle's services are respected throughout the country for quality facilities and a positive approach towards all areas of pre-school learning.
Monkey Puzzle Stratford-upon-Avon pride themselves on their loving, fun and friendly environment, providing fantastic nursery care, all within a safe and secure environment.
Monkey Puzzle Stratford-upon-Avon is committed to safeguarding the welfare of children and expects all its staff and volunteers to share this commitment.