The brand new family-run nursery in Stafford is part of an award-winning nursery group and proud to be offering unbeatable childcare. The aim is to provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment for children to discover and learn through play. The team of dedicated staff are selected to ensure all children's daily needs are cared for in a warm and caring environment.
The facility has dedicated nursery spaces for different age ranges, including mobile and non-mobile babies. Each room reflects the seven areas of learning as prescribed in the early years foundation stage and is designed to be accessible to every child.
All children participate in weekly sessions of both yoga and Kidslingo. Calm space yoga will introduce the children to stretches, movements, stories, songs, relaxation and sensory play.
Kidslingo is dedicated to teaching languages to young children in a fun and interactive way, using songs, dance, Makaton, games and drama to bring the language to life and inspire little learners.
The freshwater tropical aquarium is a key feature for the pre-School and baby rooms which provides a relaxing and calming environment whilst also providing an enhanced learning experience.
An eye health screening service is also provided for all pre-school children by an in-house optometrist.