Our school was designed by the late David Medd and opened on 6th May 1949. We are a three-form entry Infant school with a 75 place Nursery. We have a spacious building which is set in delightful grounds. There is a pond area, a spinney, a meadow, a nature trail through an area of historic woodland where bluebells grow, a growing area, a sensory area, a variety of different outdoor learning areas, a large playground and a field. Our school building is on two levels linked by a glass corridor and two short flights of steps.
There are three Reception classes and two Nursery classes, one in the morning and one in the afternoon (and a small provision for children to access 30 hours where parent/s qualify), which make up the Foundation Stage and there are six classes in Key Stage One (Year 1 & 2). Year 2 children normally transfer to Little Green Junior School, which is our link school, and although it is over a mile away, the Head Teacher and staff from both schools maintain and develop as close a liaison as possible.
There is much parent involvement in the life of the school, and this is actively encouraged. Many parents devote a great deal of time and effort into supporting the school in many different ways as well as raising money for school funds. Many of these activities form strong links with the local community, as do other activities during the school year. All parents automatically belong to the Friends of Malvern Way.