Little Flowers’ main objective is to provide your child with the lifelong skills that are required for the world we live in, to provide a quality environment for education that encourages learning through play with experiences both inside and out, which will develop the whole child. We aim to have a careful balance of care, learning and play which is guided by current legislation and framework documents. We aim to work in partnership with all families.
At Little Flowers Nursery we strive to achieve this aim by implementing the following strategies:
• We will provide a high ratio of qualified and experienced staff, led by the manager, and supported by staff who will work effectively together to ensure that we are successful in achieving the nursery aims.
• Create a culture of learning that promotes leadership skills, ownership and accountability amongst the staff team that leads to improvements, creativity and positive attitudes.
• The manager and staff team will identify staff training needs and provide ongoing staff development and training to ensure all staff are knowledgeable with relevant documents and legislation. Training will be individualized to meet the needs of all staff.• We expect and encourage everyone to build positive relationship, be respectful of each other and provide responsive care.
• Staff are expected to maintain a high standard of care, supervision and commitment to their roles within the nursery environment to ensure the successful implementation of our aims.
• The nursery environment will be bright, clean, safe and secure for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years, both indoors and out.• Provide high quality resources, efficiently organized, to support effective learning and teaching.
• We will provide a quality environment with play experiences for our youngest children by implementing and imbedding in practice the guidance contained in Pre-birth To Three document.
• We will follow the Curriculum for Excellence for children aged 3-5 years in order to provide quality activities and experiences to promote each Childs development and learning in all areas of the curriculum.
• We will apply the GIRFEC approach to enable each child to become effective contributors, successful learners, responsible citizens and confident individuals• We strive to provide a personalized and choice led curriculum that is relevant and coherent, whilst providing depth and breadth of learning where challenge, enjoyment and progression are encouraged.
• We will refer to and follow best practice as indicated by the health and social Care Standards, the SSSC Codes of Practice• We recognize every child’s right to be safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Respected, Responsible and Included (SHANARRI Wellbeing wheel)
• Promote an ethos of equality, fairness and cultural diversity, which respects and values all members of the nursery.
• We encourage educated risk taking with all children.
• We have high expectations of everyone and help each other build confidence, independence and self esteem.
• We work in partnership with parents to meet the individual needs of their children through ongoing observation and assessment of children’s learning. We strive to have parents as active participants within the life of the centre; strategies used are consultation, P.T.A involvement and home link resources.
At Little flowers nursery we have a vast amount of policies and procedures that are imbedded within our practice, we are regulated by the Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland, we also work in partnership with Renfrewshire Council. We have many Government and Local Authority Documents that are imbedded and guide our practice, that underpins our policies and are used for tracking individual children’s learning and achievements. Some of these documents have had individual policies created that are relevant to Little Flowers Nursery. Application procedure Families are encouraged to visit the establishment for a show round of the nursery, this is an opportunity for parents to meet the staff team, observe our practice and gain a perspective of our establishment. This visit can be pre-arranged at a time that is convenient to the family and will be carried out by a member of the management team. Parents are issued with the nursery handbook and application form. If, following your visit to the Nursery you wish to reserve a place for your Child you will be required to hand in an application form along with a £50.00 non refundable registration fee. Families must also provide a completed application form, a copy of the child’s birth certificate and a copy of a Utility bill / proof of address. Settling in After the preliminary visit and the application process have been completed there is a settling in period for individual children and their families. This helps the child and family gains a little familiarity; the first settling session consists of one hour, with parent / carer present. This gives staff the opportunity to ask questions to complete child’s care plan, find out their interests and routine, at which we try to adhere to as closely as possible to minimise any upset. Parents also have the opportunity to ask questions and be informed of the day to day structure of the establishment. The second session consists of a one to three hour time scale, where the staff will have the opportunity to provide activities, allow your child the chance to explore their new environment and have lunch with other children. The third settle sessions again consist of three hours, usually a little later in the day, ensuring the child has the opportunity to experience the nursery routine. If your child is still unsettled there will be the opportunity for further settles, these are discussed with child’s Keyworker.
Daisies room 6weeks – 2 years .At little Flowers we know just how important quality childcare for your child is to you; our staff will work closely with parents to provide daily feedback on your child’s activity, feeding and sleep patterns and try and keep within any set routine you may have established. Our staff will work closely with parents to provide daily feedback on your child’s day; your child will receive a diary which staff will complete daily to ensure you have all the information about your child’s day at nursery.
The early years are crucial in helping each child gain self confidence and we will use the Pre Birth to Three guidelines to ensure we are meeting the individual learning needs of your child. We offer a variety of experience’s to your child, such as:
• Children’s language is encouraged through a wide variety of sensory and perceptual experiences - in conversation, listening to and observing the world around them.
• Their curiosity and interests are aroused by playing with basic materials, which offer opportunities to compare and categorise (i.e. treasure basket and heuristic play), thus encouraging them to communicate with others.
• Your child’s body will become more coordinated through a wide range of physical activities with some of these including push along toys, movement to music, small construction and sensory equipment.
• Your child will also be involved in activities with sand, water, play dough and arts and crafts
• Outdoor experiences are offered daily to all children allowing them to play and explore their environment. Essentials Bottles will need to be made fresh or water and powdered milk measured and placed in appropriate containers. All foods/bottles will be marked and stored in the refrigerators until required. Nappies, wipes and creams must be provided for your child Appropriate clothing, inclusive of soft indoor shoes, wellies hats and scarves, sun cream and jackets. Please also provide spare clothes in case of any accidents.
Your child’s progression Your child will receive an individual learning portfolio, where staff will track your child’s development, adding photographs and art work. From this they will plan activities that will challenge your child, promoting learning and development. Your child will receive a daily sheet if required which staff will complete daily to ensure you have all the information about your child’s day at nursery. The Daffodils playrooms (24 months – 36 months)Within this room children have the opportunities to explore a wide range of experiences and staff supports this to encourage their development and learning. Also in this room staff follow Pre Birth to Three guidelines. There are three rooms available for the children to access through free flow, room lay out is to encourage independence skills and encourage children to self select resources to promote learning. Children will participate in small group activities ensuring that they are being challenged within their learning and development. Children are encouraged at free play to select their own resources and materials promoting independence and freedom of choice. Children are also given the opportunity for outdoor play experiences on a daily basis. At this stage they will also have an opportunity to discover more of their own independence and are provided with lots of opportunities to develop their social skills.
Your child’s progression Your child will receive an individual learning portfolio, where staff will track your child’s development, adding photographs and art work. From this they will plan activities that will challenge your child, promoting learning and development. Your child will receive daily feed feedback from staff, ensuring that you are informed of your child’s day at nursery.
Sunflowers playrooms (3-5yrs)In the Pre-school Rooms we have activities which throughout the day, allows various opportunities to encourage each individual child’s development and learning. Experience’s offered will help your children to become, successful learners, responsible citizens, confident individuals and effective contributors There is free play at the beginning of each session whilst all the children arrive offering a wide range of activities. Together time gives the children an opportunity to share their "news" with their friends Snack time encourages the children to choose, in their own time their snack, pour their own milk etc. Staff use themes to introduce different topics, keeping plans flexible to allow the children's interests, events or even the weather to be incorporated. The Sunflowers Group continues to extend your child's learning and development by following the Curriculum for Excellence. Individual children’s E-folio’s are used to track your child’s development and learning. These can be viewed at any time and parent can request copies to enable them to add information about their child’s wider achievements. Parents are given the opportunity once a year to attend parent’s evenings, where staff will discuss your child’s learning progress. Snacks, lunch meals and promotion of healthy eating. The nursery is a ‘CHILDSMILE Nursery’ and follows ‘Setting the Table’ Government guidelines for health and nutrition. Children will be provided with a healthy snack option mid morning and mid afternoon by the nursery. Children will also be provided with a healthy lunch meal if they attend full days or morning sessions. Children will be provided with water or milk at all meal and snack times, any other drinks provided by parents will be returned home. The nursery will also provide drinking cups and cutlery.
We will serve breakfast if required for children arriving between 8am-9amChildren have the best time when they are participating in messy activities and although we do provide overalls and aprons accidents do happen, so please dress your child in suitable clothing and always keep a spare set of clothes in their bag or on their peg just in case. Children will be taken outdoors on a daily basis. It is therefore important that suitable clothing is provided e.g. weatherproof jacket, wellies and hat for sun or cold. Also sun cream and sun hats, for those sunny days. Please also provide indoor shoes for your child. At Little Flowers nursery we endeavour to work closely with all our families, offering support and advice where necessary. Staff will organize meetings for any child who may have or need additional support in their learning or day to day routines. These meetings follow the guidance and structure as set by Renfrewshire council and are supported by extended support workers from a variety of back grounds.
Parental input is paramount to improvement of our services. Throughout the year parents will be issued with questionnaires in a variety of context’s the information collated from this helps guide improvements in the service we provide. A parent evening is held on a yearly basis, this appointment system allows parents to discuss their child’s progress within the nursery. We promote positive behaviour through praise, encouragement and being good role models. This is consistent throughout the nursery. We take into account individual family circumstances and the child’s age and stage of development. We discuss ways, with parents, in which we can work in partnership to establish a consistent approach. Physical punishment, such as smacking or shaking, will be neither used nor threatened.