Ofsted have said the new manager has created a sequenced and exciting curriculum for all children.
Staff take time to get to know children and their parents when they first join the setting. They gather lots of useful information about children and their families. Staff use this information to help them understand and plan for children's individual care and learning needs. As a result, children are supported to make good progress from the outset.
All children, including children who are new to the setting, are happy and demonstrate that they feel safe and secure. Staff are good role models who have high expectations for children's behaviour. Their simple yet consistent reminders about conduct, alongside an abundance of praise, help children to understand their own and other's feelings. Furthermore, this builds children's confidence and helps them feel a sense of pride in their achievements.
The setting is safe and secure. Staff understand and implement the setting's policies and procedures well. As a result, children play and learn in a safe environment, both indoors and outdoors.