Green Lane Pre-school & day nursery has been operating since July 1998. We pride ourselves on being an "Good" setting as judged by Ofsted in our latest inspection and very much part of the community. We are committed to providing children with a safe, happy and inspiring environment, where each individual will develop and reach their full potential uk help. We genuinely work alongside parents/carers as partners to achieve the best for every child. Our nursery caters for babies from 3 months to children up to five years old. Children are cared for within five rooms, reflecting their ages, children are nurtured and valued at each stage of their development. All rooms are well resourced, have stimulating areas and well planned experiences. Staff are highly qualified and experienced, with a strong emphasis on keeping children safe. The nursery provides an enabling environment that allows children to grow and develop with a strong self esteem, independence and knowledge. Children leaving our nursery to start school are confident children who are ready for their next stage of development.