Great and Small Kindergarten opened in October 2018 for children aged two upwards! Their kindergarten follows a beneficial and holistic early years approach which encourages learning and development through interest-led exploration, experimentation, creativity and, importantly, play with an emphasis on being outdoors investigating and learning a respect for nature. Learning will develop through child-led and initiated play and activities using open-ended and natural resources. The vision for Great and Small Kindergarten is to follow the same mission statement as their existing forest school setting - 'Giving every unique child the freedom to explore, investigate, play, learn and thrive'.
Their practitioners are highly qualified and experienced with the holistic development of each and every child at the core of their practice. They understand that every child is unique and they all learn and develop in their own ways. They scaffold their children to help them learn and develop through their own interests and play.
Great and Small Kindergarten is a term time only setting however for those parents that require childcare during the school holidays they do offer a holiday club provision for children aged two to eleven at both Great and Small Kindergarten and Great and Small Forest School (please note that holiday club provision is subject to staff availability and minimum numbers booking on. As such they reserve the right to not run holiday clubs should it be feasible).
Please note however that the kindergarten is closed on bank holidays, two weeks over Christmas and the last two weeks of the summer school holidays.
Funded hours and a range of childcare voucher schemes are accepted.