Garden Village Primary Academy will be a new free school on the site of the former Tamworth Golf Course Site, Eagle Drive, Amington. The school will serve the new housing development of 1100 dwellings.
The school will be a 210-place mainstream, co-educational primary school for Reception to Year 6 cohorts (aged 5-11) with early years provision equivalent to 26 part-time places due to open in September 2024. In the first year of opening, children will be admitted to the Nursery and Reception only, in the second year of opening a further Reception intake will be admitted and the school will continually grow in this way until there are pupils in all age groups, seven years after opening. The school is being designed to enable further expansion in the future as the demand for places increases.
Nursery, holiday, before and after school childcare will be available for working parents and carers through an established provider run by the Trust - Our Pride, Our Joy. This successfully operates in the Trustâs existing academies. Early education and childcare will be offered flexibly in response to the childcare needs of families.