Forres Sandle Manor School offers a unique Nursery experience. Set in the Lower School building of our small school, we have a lot of space for our smallest pupils! Along with a large room setting with various themed 'stations', our nursery pupils have a dedicated outside space which is under-cover so suitable for all weathers. They also get to experience our enclosed Lower School playground which includes a pirate ship climbing frame!
However, most of our children get excited when we say that we are going to our Forest School - a fantastic area set in an area of our woodland, which has a wide range of toys, swings, rope walk, mud kitchen, log stools and a wattle and daub hut. Come rain or shine, our children will experience the great outdoors as part of their usual day. They also have the opportunity to experience our large playing fields - running around, playing games and a range of sports in a stunning and safe setting.