Embley Nursery is part of Embley, an independent school for girls and boys aged 2 to 18. The self-contained Nursery sits within 130 acres of the school's private grounds and woods (the family home of Florence Nightingale) which the children love to explore. Outstanding teaching and outdoor learning uncover and nurture each child's potential, fostering a love for learning from the youngest of ages.
Embley offers a happy, nurturing and stimulating environment and strikes a careful balance between structured learning and child-initiated play to help prepare children for Prep School, with reading, writing, phonics and Mathematics above age related expectations. And with Reception class just next door, the transition to school couldn't be smoother.
Children progress through the Caterpillar and Bumblebee Rooms to the Butterfly Room.
Music, PE and French are taught by specialist teachers.
Embley Nursery is open from 08:00 to 18:00, Monday to Friday, 48 weeks of the year (term time and full time options available).