Our nursery offers high quality childcare for children aged 0-5 years in the Local Community for children to learn and develop and, most importantly have fun.Friendly staff who reflect our values listening, caring, welcoming, exciting, inspiring and active, ensuring your child has the best nursery experience possible.We recognise the valuable contribution that parents bring to nursery life and believe that, by working together, every child can be given the opportunity and support to thrive and build all of the skills needed to be a happy, healthy and confident individual.At Educare Nursery and The Montessori School, children play and learn in a warm, caring environment.
We respect children’s dignity and independence and promote the concepts of personal responsibility and co-operation. Each child deserves the best start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. At Educare Nursery and Montessori School children develop quickly in their own rights.We provide children with access to a full EYFS Curriculum and the nursery provides a solid foundation for entry into Primary schools `At Educare Nursery and the Montessori School we respect and value all children and are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our children so they can play and learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere.
We believe every child should be able to participate in all our activities in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from harm. This is the responsibility of every adult employed by, or invited to deliver services at Educare Nursery. We recognise our responsibility to safeguard all who access our nursery and promote the welfare of all our children.