A welcoming family run nursery in Bardsey village in North East Leeds.
Based at Bardsey Primary School in an outstanding countryside location with excellent facilities, this 22-place setting provides exceptional childcare for toddlers and pre-schoolers age 2 to 5 years.
The dedicated staff team are passionate about the benefits of outdoor learning. Children are encouraged to explore the natural world in a safe, fun and interactive way, enabling them to learn about the world around them and gain new skills. As well as a well-equipped sunny courtyard area, children have access to the extensive school grounds and enjoy trips to the village playground.
The bright spacious setting provides a happy, secure and stimulating environment. Mealtimes are a social occasion and children enjoy balanced and nutritious meals. Independence is encouraged, helping to improve decision-making, fine motor skills and dexterity.
When pre-schoolers move up to reception, the nursery provides flexible wraparound care with a hugely popular breakfast club, after school and holiday clubs.