Bright Heart provides experienced, vetted and trained tutors that are carefully matched to students.
Tutors exemplify our heart-based ethos in all their tutoring.
Most tutors have teaching experience in addition to tutoring experience. Tutors are provided with training from nasen (National Association of Special Educational Needs).
We introduce self-employed tutors to clients as an agent through our tutoring agency and provide tuition services to clients as a principal through our education consultancy.
We call our tutoring methodology the Bright Heart Approach. It is a more nurturing approach, which puts into practice what we have observed across many students. It is based on our experience that effective tutoring connects on a deeper level than focusing purely on intellectual abilities. This leads to longer term stability and success.
We ensure our tutors are suitably prepared to meet student's unique learning needs. Our training relationship with nasen helps to achieve this.
We believe that establishing good rapport with students is essential for successful tuition. Students therefore receive a trial lesson to ensure their tutor is a great match.