We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (eyfs) programme - which aims to help young children achieve the five 'every child matters' outcomes. These are:
Be healthy
Stay safe
Enjoy and achieve
Make a positive contribution
Achieve economic well-being
This will be achieved by:
Setting the standards for learning development and care that young children should experience when they are attending a setting outside their family home - ensuring that every child makes progress and that no child is left behind.
Providing for equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice - which ensures that every child is included and not disadvantaged because of ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties or disabilities, gender or ability.
Creating the framework for partnership working between parents and professionals and between all the settings that the child attends.
Improving quality and consistency in the early years sector through a universal set of standards which apply to all settings - ending the distinction between care and learning in the existing frameworks, and providing the basis for the inspection and regulation regime
Laying a secure foundation for future learning through learning and development that is planned around the individual needs and interests of the child, and informed by the use of ongoing observational assessment.
With our emphasis being on the following:
To have fun and take part in lots of activities
To build their confidence
To develop a sense of belonging
For the children to feel they matter