Ability Needs is Britain’s premier disability magazine
Since 2001 Ability Needs has been the country’s most informative, best distributed disability magazine for the less able and their carers made available within special needs groups, nursing homes and NHS Trusts throughout the United Kingdom in addition to being distributed to disabled people and NHS and Social Services Occupational Therapists free of charge through our extensive mobility mailing information.
As well as being on sale nationally, additional copies of Ability Needs Magazine are also available at Shopmobility outlets throughout the UK. We are offering readers a disability magazine with up to date news and information on issues that are currently affecting disabled people and groups as well as producing essential information on products and services to improve their lives.
Ability Needs also has a commitment to our advertisers to deliver magazines to our core audience – people with disabilities and their carers – and as well as being available in shops and Shopmobility outlets throughout the country we actively distribute free copies at every notable disability event which takes place in the UK.