Hi! Normally nursery would refer your child to speech and language therapy. I have heard, there's a long waiting list. But still, it's one of the fastest ways.
You can speak to your doctor too and he/she can refer to the speech and language therapist
Also, you can go private too. It's fast but will cost lot of money. One of the issues which will come would be coordination with GP, nursery, and borough.
189 days ago (04 September 2024)
Hi! Normally nursery would refer your child to speech and language therapy. I have heard, there's a long waiting list. But still, it's one of the fastest ways. You can speak to your doctor too and he/she can refer to the speech and language therapist Also, you can go private too. It's fast but will cost lot of money. One of the issues which will come would be coordination with GP, nursery, and borough.