his event is organised by Oxford Brookes University and OTSA.
This recruitment and networking event is open to state-funded primary and special schools who are partners with Oxfordshire Teacher Training, OTSA, Oxfordshire Teaching School Hub or Oxford Brookes University.
The event will be an opportunity for schools and trainee teachers to meet to discuss current and future possible employment opportunities. We will be inviting trainees currently training through Oxfordshire Teacher Training and Oxford Brookes University.
You do not need to know your recruitment needs at the time of the event - this is an opportunity for schools to 'sell' themselves to current trainees who, having met you and heard about your school, might then make an application later in the year or even future years.
Of course, if you do have vacancies then it is a great opportunity to meet potential applicants and we know plenty of schools have gone on to employ people they met at our previous recruitment fairs.
Our aim is to provide an opportunity to encourage as many of our trainee teachers as possible to embark on a successful career in a partnership school, benefiting the community in which they trained.