It is appropriate for all key stages:
A definition of Dyscalculia and Maths Learning difficulties was agreed in 2019. Many schools are looking to expand their awareness in this area to enable them to best understand and support learners who are struggling to make progress with Maths.
This course will be invaluable in ensuring you have an overall understanding and awareness of maths learning difficulties and dyscalculia. It will provide an introduction to dyscalculia and then look at ways to support and monitor maths learning difficulties.
It includes:
What are maths learning difficulties and dyscalculia
Inclusive classrooms and principles for effective teaching
Key Problems and Solutions - a year five case study
Maths anxiety
Resources to support monitoring and evidencing a graduated response
Signpost to standardised tests for maths and maths intervention programmes
We look forward to working with you.
Charlie and Thea
Specialist Advisory Teachers
Leicestershire Specialist Teaching Service