King Arthurs Labyrinth...
Suspend your disbelief.... as you sail through the magical veil of an underground waterfall, back into a distant time of myths and legends. Your mysterious Dark Age Boatman will guide you around the vast caverns and winding tunnels of the Labyrinth to find ancient Welsh legends. Enjoy stories of dragons, we tell the story of the Red and White dragons found fighting beneath the foundations of King Gwrtheryn's new castle. The white dragon represents the Saxons and red dragon represents the Celts.
Enjoy the ancient tale of the Battle of Camlan, King Arthur's final battle where he fights his evil nephew Mordred.
Hear how the once fertile land at Cantre'r Gwaelod near Borth was allowed to flood one stormy night by a drunken gatekeeper and how the legend lives on to this day. These, and many more stories, unfold with dramatic scenes, light and sound as you discover the vast caverns of the Labyrinth.
Brave the waters of Dragon River to return safely to the outside world.
Please wrap up warm, whatever the weather aboveground, it's a constant 8 degrees underground with good ventilation. Please also wear sensible footwear for the underground. We advise that all visitors continue to wear a face covering whilst underground.
Use sat nav King Arthur's Labyrinth or What3words: ///entry.theme.golden DO NOT use our postcode as it will misdirect you up a narrow forestry track