• foor knocker fixed on a board
• Policeman’s hat
• board with fur fabric or toy cat
• water squirter
• toy stethoscope
• pair of joke glasses
• box covered in bright paper with hole in
the top so child can put his hand in. Tie it
up with ribbon and place inside interest
items e.g. bubbles, stickers, and chocolate
1. Who’s knocking at the door?
Support child to use the doorknocker.
2. Is it the policeman with his hat on?
Place policeman’s hat on child’s head.
3. Is it the cat? “Meow.” Does he want his dinner?
Support the child to stroke the fur fabric.
4. Is it the fireman with his water squirter?
Gently squirt the child with the water.
5. Is it the doctor come to listen to your cough?
Support the child to listen to his chest with the stethoscope.
6. Is it Grandma with her glasses?
Support child to try on the glasses.
7. No it’s the postman with a parcel!
Let the child put hand in the box and pick out
a surprise.
Encouraging communication & language, understanding the world & PSED