Some props related to the story
Buzzy Bee and his friend Caterpillar were playing on the leaves.
The caterpillar was curling up into a little ball- CURL! CURL! CURL! ‘This is fun’ said the caterpillar, ‘curl up with me!’ So Buzzy Bee tried to curl up into a ball …….but he couldn’t.
‘Try again’ said the caterpillar, ‘watch me!’ CURL! CURL! CURL! Buzzy bee tried as hard as he could…. But he couldn’t curl up into a ball.
Buzzy bee was very sad (everybody do a sad face). He went off for a walk on his own.
Soon he met his friend Dog – ‘Woof!’ said dog ‘Why are you sad?’ ‘Because I can’t curl up in a ball, can you?’
‘No’ said Dog ‘but I can wag my tail, watch me!’ WAG! WAG! WAG! Buzzy Bee tried to wag... but he didn’t have a tail!
Buzzy Bee carried on walking and soon he met his friend Frog. ‘Gribbit!’ said Frog, ‘Why are you sad?’ ‘because I can’t wag my tail, can you?’
‘No’ said Frog,‘but I can jump, watch me!’ JUMP! JUMP! JUMP! Buzzy Bee tried as hard as he could ….but he couldn’t jump.
Buzzy Bee carried on walking and soon he met his friend Monkey. ‘OooOooOoo!’ said Monkey, ‘Why are you sad?’ ‘Because I can’t jump, can you ?’
‘No’ said Monkey ‘but I can swing, watch me!’ SWING! SWING! SWING! Buzzy Bee tried to swing ….but he didn’t have any arms.
Buzzy Bee was very sad (everybody do a sad face) He carried on walking and soon he met his friend elephant. ‘Trumpet!’ said the elephant, ‘Why are you sad?’
‘Because I can’t swing, can you?’ ‘No’ said Elephant ‘but I can spray water out of my trunk – look’ (spraying noise) ‘....What can you do?’
Buzzy Bee thought… ‘Mmmm..... I can fly – watch me!!’ - buzzzzzz ‘Wow’ said Elephant, ‘I can’t do that!’ Then Buzzy Bee flew off – he flew over Monkey, buzzzzz , ‘Wow’ said Monkey and Monkey tried to fly but he couldn’t. Then Buzzy Bee flew over Frog, buzzzzzz ‘Wow!’ said Frog and he tried to fly but he couldn’t. Then Buzzy Bee flew over Dog, buzzzzz ‘Wow!’ said Dog and he tried to fly but he couldn’t. Then Buzzy Bee flew back to his friend Caterpillar, buzzzzz ‘Wow, you can fly, I can’t do that!’ said Caterpillar ‘Yes!’ said Buzzy Bee, ‘We can all do different things!’
Notes/Suggestions: • the adult can hold the Bee and give out the other characters to the children. Ask the children to listen out for their animal, make the animal noises and do the actions
• if you don’t have these animals then just use the ones you can find in your setting and change the words accordingly
• make up your own stories!
Encourages C&L, UW and PSED