Rice (White, long-grain)
Food colouring
Food bags
Step 1
Pour one cup of rice and ½ teaspoon of vinegar into a food bag or storage tub with a lid.
Step 2
Add a few drops of food colouring into the rice mix. Be generous with the amount you add if you want bright colours, or use just a couple of drops if you want to get a pastel effect. We added roughly half a tube of gel colouring to our bag.
Step 3
Seal the bag tightly and then shake it well. The colour will spread throughout the rice in about a minute.
Step 4
Once the colour has spread throughout the whole bag of rice, you’ll have brightly coloured rice but it will still be wet to the touch. Pour it on to a plate, or on to baking tray lined with grease-proof paper. Spread it evenly into a thin layer, ready to dry.
Credit: Original Source
Encourages EA & D, UW, C & L