Air dry clay
Cord or yarn
A small stick or skewer
Two sticks roughly the same size
Four pieces of nature treasure (preferably similar in weight as the project is easier to do if it’s evenly weighted)
Clear drying craft glue (optional)
1. Cut & loop cord
Take your cord and cut off roughly five feet. Take one end and create a small hook for your mobile to hang off and knot it together (approximately two fingers in width will do).
2. Wind cord in X shape
Taking your two sticks, place them side by side about six inches from the loop end of your cord and tie the cord around the two of them.
Turn your two sticks so they are now making an X shape.
Begin wrapping the cord over the top of one of the sticks, moving over and under and back over the top to the next stick in a clockwise pattern similar to when you are creating an Ojo de Dios.
Continue using up all the cord and tie it off in a double knot.
3. Attach cord to nature treasure
One by one take a piece of your chosen nature treasure and tie one end of a piece of twelve inch cord to each.
If your nature treasure doesn’t have an easy place to tie the cord, you can always glue the cord to it, as we did with the pinecone in ours.
4. Thread beads & attach to nature mobile
Now take your painted clay beads which should be dry and thread them on to each piece of cord holding the nature treasure.
Once you’re happy with the amount of beads on each, you can tie them to your nature mobile frame. This is the tricky part as you will want to try to evenly distribute the weight of each so your mobile stays as even as possible once hung.
Now that your nature mobile is complete, you can get your little wild folk to choose a place to hang it and be inspired each time they pass by it!
Credit: Original Source
Encourages EA & D, UW, C & L