Crepe paper streamers
String or yarn
Card stock
Eyeball printable
1. Print out eyeballs and cut out.
2. Cut crepe paper streamers into 3-foot lengths.
3. Place card stock horizontally in front of you.
4. Glue an eyeball at the center point of the card stock, about an inch or two from the top.
5. To make mouths and fangs, draw on a white piece of paper and cut out. Be sure to cut along the edge of the lines, you want the black outline visible, not cut off.
6. If using a mouth, glue in place.
7. Turn card stock over and glue crepe paper streamers to the bottom end of the card stock.
8. Bring the two sides of the card stock up and tape together to form a tube.
9. Cut an 8-10 length of yarn and tape the two ends inside the tube to create a hanger (similar to a bag handle).
Hang anywhere you can catch a breeze!
Credit: Original Source
Encourages EA & D, UW, C & L, L