Animal toys, puppets or pictures - have a selection of animals
that you can imitate the noise that they make
Begin by showing the children the toys or pictures and name each one. As you name them pass them round and demonstrate the noise that each one makes. You could add in some gestures to aid comprehension. Put the objects or pictures in front of a named child and make the appropriate noise. Support them to indicate which is the correct animal. If the child selects the incorrect one - the adult should continue to be encouraging saying “Good try (child’s name) , I did (repeat the sound), this goes (repeat sound) whilst holding correct animal. If children are struggling to identify from a selection of four reduce the choice and make the sounds very different.
Extend memory skills
Increase the number of choices (animals and sounds). Place
pictures around the room and let children search (they need to
hold sound in their memory for longer whilst searching)
Encourages communication & Language, PSED and Understanding the world