• a triangle and beater
• tambourine
• wooden `agogo’ and beater
• bells, etc
Children sit in a circle with all the instruments in the centre on the floor. The adult picks up each instrument and names each one, and shows:-
• how the triangle needs to be held (by the string) so that it makes the best sound when struck by the beater
• how to use the tambourine bells
• how the wooden agogo is held with one hand and the beater with the other Choose and name a child to have the first go and sing:- “Choose an instrument you can play, you can play, you can play choose an instrument you can play: well done (child’s name)”. (Tune: London Bridge) When they have chosen their instrument, preferably by naming it but pointing to it may be useful for some children they then claim the instrument and play it while you sing or recite: “(Child’s name) is playing the triangle, playing the triangle, playing the triangle (Child’s name) is playing the triangle: Well done…….” Repeat until every child has had a turn at choosing and playing the instruments of their choice. If a child is reticent to play the instrument on his/her own others could clap along with them. To prevent a child from playing for too long the adult can clap and applaud at an appropriate pause!
Encourages C&L, PSED and PD