A range of real objects, symbolic objects or picture prompts to
select e.g. hat, apple, gloves, book, hair brush, paint brush - and
a posting booklet.
Have a selection of objects or prompts in the middle of the group. The adult says, ‘I’m thinking about............... something I wear on my head’. (function of object) The adult says, “I’m thinking about .............. something that is hairy” (attributes of object). Encourage the child to guess which one you are talking about. Use gestures as additional cues to support children’s success when required. Recognise the comments you use and adjust language level as appropriate for each child. Keep the children’s interest by letting them put the clothes on, taking a bite from the apple etc. Get them to put objects into the ‘posting box’ once they have had their turn.
Increase the level of difficulty
Increase the number of objects to select from and make instructions
more difficult i.e. “I am thinking about two things - one that you
eat and another that you wear on your head."
Encourages Communication & Language