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UCL Teaching Resources 

University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT

About us

Professor Kathleen Armour, Vice-Provost (Education & Student Experience) leads UCL's education provision and flagship excellence projects, part of UCL's Strategic Plan 2022-27.

Professor Armour and her team drive improvements in:

personalising student support

putting research and enquiry at the heart of learning

improving assessment and feedback

developing student engagement and leadership

revitalising postgraduate taught education

creating a teaching estate to meet our needs

enriching digital learning

preparing students for the workplace and the world

What we do

Led by Professor Kathleen Armour, Vice-Provost for Education and Student Experience, we create the framework for improvement to UCL teaching and learning, putting teaching on a par with research.

Using the education strategy as our road map, we work with Education Services and the Higher Education Development & Support Institute (HEDS) to give support and resources to faculties and professional services.

We look outward, managing UCL’s submission to the Teaching Excellence Framework, responding to government policy and broader external pressures.

We look inward, running the institutional surveys like New to UCL, NSS and PTES and we use the data to measure our success and inform our direction.

We deliver extra-curricular programmes like the Laidlaw Research and Leadership programme for the benefit of the entire institution, exemplifying a key aspect of the education strategy: research-based education.

At the moment, we are leading institution-wide improvement projects on:

personal tutoring;

Student Success;

assessment and feedback;

academic careers framework;

academic writing support; and

the Introductory Programme.

We monitor our progress through:

Education Strategy Implementation Group (ESIG)

Annual Programme Survey

National Student Survey (NSS) and Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES)

Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)