School readiness for EYFS
June 14, 2022
School readiness for EYFS
Making the
move to school is an exciting time for both the children and their families,
thus it is critical that both the children and their parents are physically and
emotionally prepared.

Skills that are needed for school readiness:
- Resilience, self-esteem, and self-control, in order to manage emotional problems and frustrations in
a calm and sensible manner, so that the child is confident even when
things go wrong, they will figure it out.
- Good listening and communication skills, as well as understanding when to ask for help, will help
them in understanding what they are being asked to do.
- They need a strong physical core and spatial
awareness so they can sit in good
posture and listen to the teacher.
- They will be secure if they have the ability to be curious, recognize risks, solve
problems, speak up, and oppose what isn't right.
- Fine motor skill development: Because fine motor skill development will be a big part of
the activities done at school, the kid will be able to participate in activities much more readily and freely. This
implies that they should practice cutting, coloring, sketching, and writing
their names.

Checklist for EYFS:
- Brush their teeth
- Dressing up
- Put shoe on
- Going toilet when they
need to
- Washing hands
- Drying hands
- Recognize their name
- Hold a pencil
- Write their name
- Wash hands before and
after meals

Why is school readiness important?
School readiness is important for the child's growth which impacts their future results, therefore encouraging these
abilities as early as possible is the greatest approach to ensure that every
kid receives the help they require.

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